Call of papers

The First Symposium was held on Sept. 5–8, 1973, in Udine and this is the 20th edition. RoManSy2014 will continue this tradition, with the aim to bring together researchers, industry professionals and students from the broad ranges of disciplines referring to Robotics, in an intimate, collegial and stimulating environment. The Symposium will be held at the Institute of Mechanical Science of RAS in Moscow.


Papers are solicited on topics related with robots within aspects of theory, design, practice and applications, including but not limited to:
  • novel robot designs and robot components;
  • service robots and humanoid robots;
  • bio-robotics, micro and nano-robots;
  • kinematics and dynamics of robotic systems;
  • grasping, handling and intelligent manipulation
  • sensor systems for robots, perception;
  • control design for robots and applications;
  • robot prototyping, experimental robotics.

The Symposium solicits papers providing a vision of the evolution of the robotics disciplines and signalling new directions in which these disciplines are foreseen to develop.

Organizing Committee

Academician, Prof. Vasiliy Fomin;
Mem. RAS., Prof. Alexandr Shiplyuk;
Mem.RAS., Prof. V acheslav Prihodko;
Mem. RAS., Prof. Nikolay Bolotnik;
Prof. V eniamin Goldfarb;
Prof. Irina Demianushko;
Prof. Vigen Arakelian;
Prof. Alexandr Golovin;
Prof. Sergey Yatsun;
Prof. Sergey Gavryushin;
Prof. Sergey Misyurin;
Dr. Raphael Sukhorukov;
Prof. Saygid Uvaisov;
Prof. Alexey Borisov;
Prof. Anrey Korabelnikov;
Dr. Oleg Muguin;
Dr. Constantin Salamandra;
Dr. Nikolay Tatus

Secretariat e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

International Steering Committee

M. Ceccarelli (Italy)
I-Ming Chen (Singapore),
Chair V. Glazunov (Russia)
Q. Huang (China)
O. Khatib (USA)
V. Parenti-Castelli (Italy)
W. Schiehlen (Germany)
A. Takanishi (Japan)
T. Zielińska (Poland)

General Chair

Acad., Prof. Rivner Ganiev, RAS


Prof. Victor Glazunov,RAS, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Marco Ceccarelli, Univ. of Cassino, Italy

Ppresentation and proceedings

The official language will be English. The speakers should present their contribution in 15 min. Further 5 min are available for discussion. Slide and overhead projectors, projectors for personal computers, and VHS video system are available for presentation. Registered participants will receive one Proceedings copy at the registration desk. Indexed Proceedings will be published in the Springer book series on MMS

Instructions for authors

Guidelines for the manuscript format is available in the web page and paper submission is through See this page ->.
Paper will be limited to 8 pages maximum.
For YD grants applications can be entertained by January 31, 2014 prior to a final decision on the acceptance of papers; a conditional decision will be made. For details see

Registration fee

The registration fee includes the complete program of the Conference and Proceedings.
Early Registration fee for participant from IFToMM member organizations is of 400 Euro, and for the others 430 Euro, late registration 430 and 460 Euro respectively. Payment should be made by sending a cheque or by bank transfer to the Conference Chairman indicating ROMANSY2014 (See webpage).

Organized by

Inst. of Machines Science ’.Blagonravov’ RAS
LARM at DiCEM, University of Cassino
Web Page:


Jan. 14th, 2014: Paper Submission
Feb. 28th, 2014: Notification of Acceptance March 20th, 2014: Submission of Final Papers
April 20th, 2014: Early Registration
May 10th, 2014: Preliminary Program
June 23-26, 2014: Symposium


ROMANSY 2014 will be held in the Hotel Korston, Kosygina st., 15 and in the Iinstitute of Machines Science ’A.A. Blagonravov ‘of RAS, in Maly Kharitonyevsky Per. 4, Moscow.
Moscow is a well-known place, having monuments built during more than 850 years. The city is full of evidences of its history. In June the weather is fine. For more information, please refer to


Rooms for participants will be reserved in the hotel Korston. The average cost for a 3-star hotel is about 120 Euro. Besides in Moscow there are many hotels in all the categories. The average cost for a 3-star hotel is about 70 Euro. Early reservation is recommended by contacting directly hotels or through the ROMANSY2014 Secretariat. A list of hotels will be sent to the authors.

Travel information

Moscow can be reached easily by flight from all around the world to Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo international airports. Within the city convenient is the Metro underground systems and ground transportation network.

Supported by

IFToMM, int. Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science Institute of Machines Science - RAS in Moscow University of Cassino and South Latium IFToMM Member Organization of Russia